I did this post real fast so I apologize ahead of time for not turning some of the photos the correct direction. And like I said... they're cell phone pics so the quality is a bit... well... non-existent.
Davis' new snow hat... can you tell he just loves it. ha ha

Won't you be my neighbor?

What's up doc?
and yes, he dressed himself that day.

You can call me rolley bones

Damon loves himself a good road trip... nothin' like relaxin in the throne!

Damon also loves a good pancake!

As for Davis... he prefers his hand to just about anything

Sometimes he even tries to get both hands in there... ha ha.

One thing he doesn't like so much is tummy time... so we try to spruce it up by doing it 'airplane' style.

Damon is just like his Grandpa he loves his green 'hi-pod'

ut oh... trying to be a cool cat already.

'CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS' Someone gets to wear big boy underpants when he goes to grandma's house and he loves it!

OH my goodness, Davis is looking just like Damon nowadays! So adorable, both of them! I love their cute clothes :)
sometimes phone pictures are the only thing you have time for, i know, i have over 600!
love all these pictures of your boys. i see davis is sucking his thumb, liam started at 4 months & hasn't stopped since.
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