Some friends of mine decided to take a girls trip to California.... and last minute one of the girls backed out. When they asked me to go I originally said no because although everything in me wanted to go I knew it was selfish and unpractical.
Anyhoo... I kept thinking about the trip and how much fun they were going to have and I couldn't get it off my mind so I decided to ask Darren if I could go.
Keep in mind this is his favorite vacation... California, Magic Mountain, the Beach, the Food. We go every year about this time but I told him I didn't want to go this year with the baby. I knew it wouldn't be fun having to pull over and feed the little guy every two hours on the drive. Plus I wouldn't be able to have fun at Magic Mountain because I'd be feeding the whole time.... and well... you get the point. And hopefully now you can see why I was so nervous to ask him if I could go on his favorite vacation without him. The very vacation I told him I didn't want to go on.
Long story short... I HAVE THE BEST HUSBAND IN THE WHOLD WORLD! He let me go and it was just what I needed!
We had more fun than I can put down on paper. I haven't laughed that hard in AGES! Here are a few pics from the trip (sadly I was a terrible photographer and only took 2 pics... I know crazy!) Luckily Lana took a few on her phone.
This is us at the restaurant we never ate at. Ha Ha. We asked some locals where to find good food and several people told us of this place so we figured it must be good. We got in, sat down, looked at the menu and about died... the food was so expensive that we told our waitress we were sorry but we were going to have to bail. We felt so stupid but we certainly weren't going to spend such a ridiculous sum of money on food.
Oh Magic Mountain! Too bad we didn't take our pic in front of one of the crazier roller coasters.

Me and Jena... and yes... I ate that HUGE burger!

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