Yet again I'm taking pictures of the water. As our ship was docking it stirred everything up and I thought it looked so cool!

This was the view right out our balcony. Is it horrible to say a ship wreck is pretty?

Yep, that's coral... and yep, it's beautiful!

Another ship wreck... Sad, but still visually appealing.

Darren and I met the funnest couple (Ray and Rhonda from Atlanta). We randomly grouped together for a day of snorkeling. Darren had researched a great spot called the 'Spooky Channel'. We caught a cab with a cute little driver that didn't speak a word of English. Don't worry, Darren whipped his spanish out and got us to our destination. Turns out, the snorkel spot is no longer public. But, after a few words with Tom & Sue (the owners) we had our flippers on and were ready to jump in.
We quickly figured out it's named 'Spooky Channel' for a reason. You have to snorkel out about 100 yards in knee deep water with reeds tickling your tummy the whole way. Darren and Ray even got bit by some sort of creepy crawly. Once you pass the reeds you have coral on both sides and then water deeper than you can see. That part wasn't too creepy until we saw bubbles coming up for down below. I didn't necessarily want to meet the creature the bubbles belonged to.

So we're snorkeling along and we see this sting ray. We get all excited of course and start swimming toward it to get a good picture. Then we remembered... hmmm... we're not in Grand Caman anymore and this sting ray is probably not a big fan of people. Luckily he swam away and we didn't have any trouble.

There were some fun fish but other than the sting ray we didn't see anything too exciting. The current was pretty strong and pulled us out faster than desirable. We had to cut the trip short and come in early for fear we might end up in Cuba or something.