May 22, 2009


If there were a 'DAD OF THE YEAR' award Darren would definitely be the winner!  He has been SO amazing through this whole process.  Before Damon arrived Darren had never even changed a diaper.... but since day one he had been amazing at helping with everything.  It's incredible how natural he is at the whole dad thing.  Not only is he helping out with Damon 24/7 but he's putting up with me.  We'd both received several warnings that I'd be a little emotional after giving birth... holy smokes we did not know what we were in for.  Thanks Darren for being so INCREDIBLE... I couldn't do it without you. :)

1 comment:

Rick and Kori said...

It is really hard after you have the baby. All you want to do is be happy and excited but your emotions won't let you! Don't worry...they even out :) Love ya friend!
