Mom's will always tell you that time goes by so fast with kids. I always thought I knew what they were talking about. However, now I realize how truly fast it zips by without warning. I cannot believe Damon is already there months old. I know I'm partial but I have to say he's a pretty darn cute kid. Darren and I are SO blessed to have him. We couldn't ask for a better little boy. He reminds me SO much of his dad... so even tempered, chill, and happy. I was really lucky to be able to stay home with him for the twelve weeks of my maternity leave. However, on July 23rd I went back to work and have been working full time ever since. I have to say being a working mom is harder than I ever though it would be. I owe my mom HUGE thanks because she worked as we grew up and I never have given her enough credit for all she was able to accomplish. Since the day I went back to work I feel like everything else got put on hold. Our poor house is a disaster area, we have laundry piled practically to the ceiling, I'm not sure I remember the last time I made dinner... the list goes on. Basically I just want to say 'thank you' to all the working moms out there. It is much tougher than it appears on the outside. Silly me... I thought I'd be 'Super Mom' and juggle it all.
However, I am SO grateful for 3 really amazing things...
1st - Grandmas, Grandpas, Neighbors, and Friends who so graciously have come to my rescue to watch Damon while I'm at the office.
2nd - A husband who helps SO much with Damon and around the house.
3rd - An amazing company and boss that I am so privileged to work for. When I first found out I was pregnant I knew I didn't want to work full time. I decided to do a very bold thing. I went into by bosses office and told him I would like to work part time from home in the Marketing Department where I would specialize in doing photography and anything else they needed help with. Keep in mind I was essentially creating a position for myself that didn't exist. Well, in this case bold paid off because my wish was granted upon one condition. I was to come back after Maternity Leave and work full time for 2-4 weeks as I trained my replacement. - - Now, here I am 2.5 weeks into my work and I have 1.5 to go. Little did I know they were going to hire the most outstanding person to fill my position... Someone my boss had worked with at a former company for years... Someone much more qualified than I... Someone that would get along so well with my team... Someone I love more than anyone else in the whole world...
Yes, oddly enough Darren is now going to work at Unicity and I have a sneaking suspicion he is going to love it! No more 70 hour work weeks for him :)