This my friends is a grasshopper. Although a harmless creature it gives me a good case of the eeby jeebies! Now.... picture this if you will.
Think of just how hippidy hoppidy grasshoppers are. Now think of these hippidy hoppidy creatures flying fully speed at YOU (yes you) and hippidy hopping themselves where ever they please, even inside your clothing (yes, inside your clothing). EEEEEK! Darren and I enjoy 4wheeling so we thought we'd go out for a little ride on our most recent trip to his parents house. They warned me I'd have to wear sunglasses because there's a bit of a bug problem this time of year. A BIT OF A BUG PROBLEM!? Oh my goodness I wished I could jump right out my skin. I also wish I were a cool tough wife that didn't freak out about silly things like grasshoppers... but I FREAKED! I practically jumped off my 4wheeler as I was driving.
Needless to say, our ride was short and I'm not going back out until grasshoppers are out of season.
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