Sometimes I don't have my camera with me and have to resort to cell phone pictures. Problem is... they usually just stay on my cell phone. So, I finally decided to post a bunch of the random fun ones.
I apologize ahead of time for the poor quality and sideways/upside down nature.

Damon loves to exercise... as you can see he does pretty well following instruction. ;)

A while back my sister Andi made the comment that it might benefit my son to spend a little less time with his Mommy.... and this is an example why. He kinda wants to be just like me... shower cap and all. :)

Damon got a sandbox for his birthday and I realized I haven't really taken any pictures of him playing in it.

Poor little guy gets allergies pretty bad and this particular day he was feeling awful. I asked him what would make him feel better and all on his own he came up with a great solution. Mommy's robe and slippers.

My mom is so WONDERFUL and watched Damon twice a week while I go to work. She was quite ambitious last week and took the little man to Lagoon. He had a blast!