Wow time flew... Damon turned 2!
As cheesy as it sounds... it really feels like he was born yesterday. I remember bringing him home from the hospital and repeatedly telling Darren... 'um, he's ours!' I thought it would never sink in that this beautiful boy was ours to keep and now we've already spent two amazing years with him.
Damon is such a crack up and we could not be blessed with a more amazing kid. We love everything about him! His little face in the picture below sums it all up... you just can't help but love him to pieces!
We threw a full blown Elmo inspired Sesame Street birthday bash!

We served Damon's favorite foods for lunch. Chicken, Grapes, Cantalope, Water Melon, Chips, Trees (Broccoli) and Pink Juice.

Dessert came in the form of Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Elmo, or Oscar cupcakes.

But what do you feed a birthday boy that doesn't like cupcakes? A birthday donut of course!
It looks like Damon has inherited a little too much of my OCD... he couldn't handle eating it with his hands because it was much to messy...

... so he requested a fork.

Turns out if a cupcake looks like cookie monster it not only tastes good but you can eat it with your hands. Looks like we didn't need to do the donut trick after all. Either way, we had a happy birthday boy!