Jul 7, 2013

Nothing Stops This Kid...

Davis is one tough cookie!  He was sitting on the bar stool and fell off backwards.  He hit his arm on the sofa table behind our couch and was pretty mad about it.  He cried for a bit and then kept on playing so we didn't think much of it.

Well as the days went on we began noticing that he didn't want to change his clothes (which actually wasn't anything new) but instead of a "I'm annoyed at you stop trying to change my clothes" kind of cry... he was letting out an "ouch that hurts stop touching me" kind of cry.

I still wasn't putting two and two together (because he really didn't make that big of deal of the falling off the chair incident).

Well a couple days later he started biting onto the forearm of his shirts to "carry" his arm around... kind of like a little sling.  Then it clicked... I think his arm is broken.

We take him to the Dr. 1.5 weeks after the initial fall off the chair and sure enough his arm is broken in two places.  But like I said in this post title... Nothing stops this kid!  The moment we got back from getting his wrap and sling he was playing football with Damon like nothing had happened.

I will try to post more pictures of the whole ordeal soon.

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