May 29, 2012


So... I decided to run a half marathon.  I talked my dad into running it with me.  And by running it with me I mean we ran the same race on the same day at completely different paces.  My cute dad is pushing 60 and he still kicks my trash at running.  When I am 60 I hope I can run a half marathon significantly faster than my children (don't worry, I won't hold my breath).

Here we are after the race

One of my BFF's Jena (far right) ran it with me... and by with I mean actually with... well, until mile 10 when my IT band hurt so bad I couldn't quite keep up with her.  

This next picture is a BEAUTY!  
I almost deleted it from my computer and then I thought... no... I need to post this on the blog so if I ever think I want to run a half again I can easily remember what I looked like at mile 12.5 knees locking up, IT Band causing so much pain with each step I wanted to flag down the nearest golf cart.
Running really isn't a glamorous sport for me ;)


sharon. said...

WOW!You are my hero. I don't think I could ever run that far. Go Kelli!

Rick and Kori said...

Ummm can I just say I am completely impressed (and slightly disgusted) that you did that! So amazing, Kel! Oh and P.S. you are one skinnie minnie!

Erin said...

way to go! that picture is fabulous :)

