I haven't been the best at toting around the camera these days... so here are a few random shots captured by my cell phone... amazing quality as usual ;)
A bath can be so tiring

Mom: Damon what are you doing?
Damon: I'm in here mom picking my nose.

Look at the belly on this kid!

And the cheeks too!

Darren and Damon headed out to pick up a few things for me and damon proudly chanted "I carry mom's stuff" as he shlepped the basket all through the store.

In his own words... "I wanna relax and watch TV mom"

It's normal for kids to revert a bit when a new baby enters the picture right? I found damon rocking away in Davis' car seat (binki and all)

This is where Damon and I spend most of our mornings... building anything our minds think up.

Damon has been wearing nothing but flip flops all summer... and I honestly think he forgot about regular shoes. However, Darren headed off to play volley ball in shoes and Damon insisted on wearing shoes like Dad. Much to his surprise we actually had some... he managed to put them on mostly by himself and he beamed all afternoon in his shoes like Dad.

Davis was having a hard time going down for his nap so Damon said "It's ok mom... I wanna lay by Davis a minute to help him sleep. You can go downstairs".

A little spa treatment never hurt anybody.

Damon watched the X-Games with Darren and I... and now likes to be 'tricky'. This picture of him standing up was taken just before he tried to stand on the seat while driving.