After a surprise water break at 11:15 pm we headed to the hospital. It took a few minutes for my contractions to start so I thought I had all the time in the world. At midnight when my contractions were regularly 2 minutes apart we realized we needed to hustle out the door. Especially since we live about 35 minutes away from the hospital we deliver at :)
By the time we got to the hospital contractions were 1.5 min. apart and I was at a 2. I was really excited to try a natural birth (without an epidural). In my head it all seemed great... you know, walking around during contractions rather than being stuck in that uncomfortable bed hooked up to lots of machines. Problem is, when your water is broken you can't exactly stroll about the hospital. So... I was still confined to the uncomfortable bed. I did really well working through labor until I hit a 5. My body was shaking and I was so nauseous I could barely see straight. An epidural was sounding more and more appealing. Why in the world did I want to do this natural thing anyway? ;)
Well, I made a deal with myself. I asked the nurse to check me and if I was a 6 then I'd keep going natural. If I was still at a 5 then it was time for some pain killer.
Results were in... 5.5 "Epidural please"
Funny thing is, I got the epidural and then the doctor came it to check on me. The doctor walked in the room at 3:35 and Davis was born at 3:42 (Looks like I was a little closer than I thought). However, i definitely don't regret doing the epidural. The little bit it did help was HEAVENLY!
Davis Gene Haub
3:42 am -- Thursday July 14, 2011
7 lbs. 8 oz. -- 20 in.

Our beautiful new family of four.

This is me SO happy to not be pregnant anymore.

If I had known what a cool moment it would be when Damon saw Davis for the first time I definitely would have had the video camera out.
I thought he'd be confused because he was so used to Davis being in my tummy... but when he saw a little baby he knew exactly who it was and he was in awe. It was the cuttest proudest mommy moment I've had yet. :)

Damon loves his new little baby brother SO much. He keeps asking to hold him and kiss him and hug him.

Dad and Damon hangin' out in the hospital room.