Women wear a lot of hats. While this may be literally true for some of us I'm speaking in symbolic terms today. Some of us work, some of us stay home with the kids, and some of us do both. Add to those duties the role of spouse, housekeeper, friend, Doctor, Teacher, Woman, Chef, Trapeze Artist, Handy Repair Woman, Laundress, Stylist... oh the list goes on.
I'm willing to bet that given the time (and energy) to focus your efforts in just one of these categories at a time you would be a professional. However, we as women are not given that luxury. We get push the envelope and take it all on.
This morning I found myself practicing the art of trapeze as I navigated over the pile of my son's toys that were conveniently placed right at the bottom of the stairs. Had I not been holding my 25 lb. child in one hand and a heaping laundry basket in the other I probably would have noticed the remote control car containing the laughing chimpanzee and thus would not have performed a serious juggling act to keep myself, small child, and laundry from landing in a heap with the rest of the toys.
But alas, we get the exciting job of achieving the impossible everyday. We take fairly normal tasks that most can do with a bit of instruction but we manage to do them all at once! The problem with this incredible feat is... we don't give ourselves enough credit for it. I'm sure we can all think of at least 10 times in the recent past that you have been accomplishing more household tasks then you can count on fingers and toes all in the same moment.
Sigh. It's quite amazing what we can accomplish
Every now and again I find myself getting frustrated with doing everything mediocre. Today I was an ok mom, my house looks ok, I at least got a shower so I look ok too... the problem is I can be an excellent mom, an exquisite house keeper, and I'd like to think I clean up nice. When balancing all tasks at once sometimes it's just too much to be amazing at everything and when you think about it, doing everything even half way is amazing in and of itself (let's not forget that).
This is my tribute to say women are truly amazing. Give yourself the credit you deserve; especially on those days when it feels like everything is only half done. Be a glass half full kind of gal and remember when wearing all your hats at one time it's impossible to show each of them off in their finest glory.
1 comment:
I enjoyed your tribute to women. Well said. But don't forget, in my eyes you are amazing at everything you do! :)
By the way, You should have this published. Have you ever though of adding "Magazine Editor" to your list of hats? You could do that. Lot of Love, Mom
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