However, I am SO grateful for 3 really amazing things...
1st - Grandmas, Grandpas, Neighbors, and Friends who so graciously have come to my rescue to watch Damon while I'm at the office.
2nd - A husband who helps SO much with Damon and around the house.
3rd - An amazing company and boss that I am so privileged to work for. When I first found out I was pregnant I knew I didn't want to work full time. I decided to do a very bold thing. I went into by bosses office and told him I would like to work part time from home in the Marketing Department where I would specialize in doing photography and anything else they needed help with. Keep in mind I was essentially creating a position for myself that didn't exist. Well, in this case bold paid off because my wish was granted upon one condition. I was to come back after Maternity Leave and work full time for 2-4 weeks as I trained my replacement. - - Now, here I am 2.5 weeks into my work and I have 1.5 to go. Little did I know they were going to hire the most outstanding person to fill my position... Someone my boss had worked with at a former company for years... Someone much more qualified than I... Someone that would get along so well with my team... Someone I love more than anyone else in the whole world...
Yes, oddly enough Darren is now going to work at Unicity and I have a sneaking suspicion he is going to love it! No more 70 hour work weeks for him :)
Oh, I was thinking you gave up on the blogging world. You've got some great pictures there. Wish I could borrow eggs from you too:)
I agree, he is pretty darn cute. As for time going fast, oh boy has it just begun. It seems to go into warp speed as time goes by. My babies are growing up so fast I can hardly remember when they were tiny. Enjoy i.
Wow! He just continues to get cuter and cuter! We will miss you Kelli, but it looks like we are getting the next best thing! Just remind Darren he needs to be nice to us! :)
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